Women's Health
Symptoms → Solutions!

Hi friend!
I'm so happy you are here because I can tell that you are wanting to figure out which program is the best for you that you can get the results that you deserve and that are possible!
Below, you will find a extensive list of different symptoms that you can scan through and whatever sticks out to you make a note of the program recommended. Obviously the more symptoms that you relate to the more likely it is that you will need some one-on-one support in order to get the best result possible. If you are unsure of what's best for you, please just reach out.
Unexplained physical ailments like a sore right knee → 1:1, Queen Alchemy
Thyroid issues→ 1:1, Queen Alchemy, Immersion
Inability to lose weight / holding onto excess weight → QA and Gut Healing Masterclass
IBS and other gut issues → QA and Gut Healing Masterclass
Birth trauma → Mini 1:1
You want to scale your business with feminine ease and not feel burnt out & stressed → The Feminine CEO
Fibroids, PCOS, unexplained infertility, Endo, and any other hormonal issues → QA with an added 1:1 and YPP
Money mindset/releasing scarcity around money→ MMM1, Immersion
Reduce burnout and embrace feminine leadership → HER
Not having money be a source of turmoil in your relationship → Feminine Female Breadwinner Masterclass
Missing period (and you've tried "everything") → Queen Alchemy
Unable to fall pregnant → QA and/or 1:1
You want your business to support your life rather than feel like your biz is your only life → The Feminine CEO
Be better with boundaries→ Boundaries Masterclass, Immersion
If you are constantly seeking validation from men→ QA,1:1, Immersion
You have a bad mindset about dating and Men→ BLNM
You keep going for the wrong guy when dating, or you feel like dating is a dead end for you → EOD
Feeling stuck in the cycle of hitting ‘ceilings’ and limits in your business → The Feminine CEO
Do you have low self-confidence and or low self-worth → QA, Immersion
Your man isn't leading like he used to you and you're feeling blah in the relationship→ EOD and BLNM
Not seeing results from the hours and effort you put into your business → The Feminine CEO
You struggle to be in your feminine in dating and relationships → EOD, BLNM, QA
Procrastination and/or perfectionism → QA, Immersion or 1:1
Eating disorders, either now or in the past, and/or struggling with your relationship to food→ QA or 1:1
Healing from all kinds of sexual drama→ QA, Immersion or 1:1
Emotional abuse and/or emotionally unavailable parents → QA, Immersion, or 1:1
Skin issues, like acne, psoriasis, eczema→ QA / 1:1 and/or Skin Healing Masterclass
Acne → QA / 1:1 and/or Skin Healing Masterclass
Struggling to speak my truth → Boundaries Masterclass, Immersion, and QA
Finding it hard to show up consistently and struggle with strategies → The Feminine CEO
Scarcity with money → MMM1, Immersion, and MMM2
Hitting ceilings with manifestation → MMM2, Immersion
Can’t feel confident around men → BLNM
Mothering my man too much → BLNM
Low libido → QA, Immersion / 1:1
Insomnia → 1:1
You’re done with feeling worried about what others think of you and you deeply want to be BOLD and visible → The Feminine CEO
Severe period pain → Your Perfect Period / Mini 1:1 package
Constant bloating → QA / 1:1 or Gut Healing Masterclass
Headaches → QA, Immersion / 1:1
High cortisol / high stress → QA, Immersion / 1:1
Chronic Fatigue → QA, Immersion / 1:1
Concentration issues → QA / 1:1
Binge eating → QA, Immersion / 1:1
Sore lower back → MMM1, QA, Immersion, or Mini 1:1 package
Trying to get my period back post hormonal birth control → Art of HBC
For all the programs mentioned, go here: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/work-with-me
If you are not sure what is the right program for you or what order to do the programs and please just email support@monicayateshealth.com and Olivia will be able to guide you on what's best with Monica's recommendations on your case.
Please include in this email everything that you are struggle with and want to heal/work on. The more detail the better!