Boundaries Masterclass
In this program (with Q+A), I break down EXACTLY what boundaries are, how to identify them, how to draw boundaries in different situations, the most powerful way to show someone not to f*ck with you, how to then follow through with the boundary, and why it's OK to have them.
'Cause, in case you didn't hear... hot people have boundaries.
In this program (with Q+A), I break down EXACTLY what boundaries are, how to identify them, how to draw boundaries in different situations, the most powerful way to show someone not to f*ck with you, how to then follow through with the boundary, and why it's OK to have them.
'Cause, in case you didn't hear... hot people have boundaries.

Hey, Small Business Owner:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Do you relate?
- You find yourself getting resentful towards other people, situations, and/or yourself
- You keep everything bottled up until you eventually blow up in an argument
- You get really worried about being rejected for speaking up for what you need
- You don't know how to say 'no' to someone
- You worry about being labeled a bitch when speaking up
- You know your boundaries, but you have no clue how to actually live them out
- You prioritize pleasing others at the expense of your own well-being
- You've grown up in situations where speaking up is looked down upon
If you've been taught to be a "good girl" or "good boy," then this will be your saving grace.
Your heart, your body, your s*x life, your business, your job, your health, your relationships, etc. Your desires are not wrong — they are just not feeling safe to be fully expressed and claimed.
You deserve to speak your truth, be heard and not have people walk over you. By speaking up you create self trust, self confidence and a deep sense of safety.

This isn't your average class on cutting out energy suckers.
This 2 Part Boundaries Masterclass teaches you how to say the exact right thing, to navigate drawing boundaries in different situations, explains the different *ways* to put your foot down, and how to actually *follow it through* -- cause that's where the REAL work is.
Boundaries are necessary for internal safety, respect and self trust.
What you'll learn and embody inside:
//How to draw a boundary in different situations
//Examples of exactly what to say and how to say it
//Feeling calm as you draw a boundary so you don't turn into a tomato
//When to draw a boundary/when not to
//The embodiment of boundaries so you're actually following through with them and not letting people disregard them
//Setting boundaries at family events (hello, Christmas lunch)!
//AND setting boundaries with friends, partners, co-workers/employees
Part 2 Q+A Covers Everything From Family, Finances, Different Opinions, Money, Career Choices, Dating, Relationships, Friendships, Weddings, And Mothers-In-Law.
Questions Include:
- How can you tell when you are too rigid or lenient with your boundaries?
- What if you change your mind on a boundary?
- What happens when you draw a boundary that puts them in a tricky situation, but the boundary is necessary for your own well-being?
- What if you originally said yes to catching up, and now you don’t want to?
- I’ve read before that boundaries are not about controlling the other person; it’s more about how you will conduct yourself and what you’re not available for – do you agree with that?
- How to set boundaries with a coach who changes call times at the last minute, is always late, and doesn’t fulfill promises?
- Is it okay to put up a boundary out of fear when it comes to dating?
- What if you’re setting boundaries with someone without regard for it? For example, for someone who insists they are always right and knows everything.
- How to set boundaries with clients who communicate outside of sessions when they need to schedule another session instead.
- How important is it to let people know where you stand? Can you just ignore things and let the relationship fall away?
- How do you set boundaries with friends/ family/ colleagues about your stance on vaccinations?
- How do you draw boundaries that express your feelings and needs while being clear that someone is behaving disrespectfully?