This event is about a deep re-coding of your body, trauma release, embodiment, pleasure activation and healing your ‘stuff’ in ways you couldn’t even imagine.
NOVEMBER 7-9, 2025
Location & Dates
ATL: November 7-9, 2025
Take a peek...
- Are you longing for the life of your dreams but you feel 'stuck' and 'blocked' in getting there?
- Are you sick of not voicing your opinion, saying ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’ and not having healthy boundaries?
- Do you struggle to be vulnerable and ask for help because “you’re a strong independent woman!”?
- Do you find that you are constantly attracting bills to pay no matter what you do?
- Are you tired of your cycle getting in the way of you being the best version of yourself 99% of the time (the 1% is us being human)?
- Is your lack of confidence holding you back in your friendships, social situations, sex life and relationship?
- Have you/do you have any eating disorders / negative relationships with foods?
- Do you have blocks around money which stop you from investing in the things you want the most and you feel guilty AF after getting your hair done?
- Do you want to get more connected to your fierce, true feminine?
- BIG QUESTION (and a very important one)… Have you ever had consensual sex where you said ‘yes’ but you kinda wanted to say no?
- Do you want to be able to fully surrender to sex so that you can feel ultimate levels of orgasmic bliss?
- Did you/do you have emotionally unavailable parents?
- Do you have avoidant or anxious tendencies now and/or as a child?
- Do you want to be feeling like a fucking QUEEN as you walk down the street?
- Do you want to attract more money so that you can have more freedom?
- Do you have a belief that you are not loved, not good enough or worthy of full-body desire?
- Wants to be living her best life and feel sexy as fuck all the time
- Desires to open her heart again and feel grounded and strong within herself
- Is sick of being addicted to being stressed and ready to let go of any victimhood
- Is constantly overthinking every fucking thing
- Is a god damn perfectionist and it’s sometimes really fucking annoying
- Is desiring to finally feel secure in herself and not anxious all the time
- Has been following me for a while and is ready for some Monica Magic ;)
- Has tried all the things and nothing has worked
- Is ready to be pursued and cherished by men
- Is ready to let go of her need to control to feel safe
- Wants to heal her past with being bullied
- Is ready to feel secure in herself and no longer feel triggered by her abandonment wound
- Wants to no longer have a fear of rejection and is ready to live her fucking life!
- Can only have quick orgasms and generally with a lot of stimulation
- Is ready to be open to other ways of healing that actually work
- Wants a deeply immersive experience where she feels safe to fully let herself go into the spaces her mind doesn’t want her to go into
- Is ready to feel fucking WEALTHY and DELICIOUS in her body!

If our body isn’t OPEN, our womb isn’t cleared, and our femininity isn't blooming like a flower, then you will not be able to attract and receive the life of your dreams.
The man, money, house, health, freedom, inner peace, and a good relationship with your loved ones. You might learn how to manifest, re-parent, set boundaries, be confident and feel turned on…but learning this doesn’t mean that you are embodying it.
Awareness doesn’t mean that the triggers are gone.
Learning something doesn’t mean that you can do it with complete ease and no resistance will ever come up…
For 6, going on 7 years, I've worked with thousands of people to clear everything that was stopping them from living in a way that felt easy, free, and expansive.
If you have been listening to my podcasts, watching my stories, and reading my posts, then it’s time for more!!
The internet is great, but if you're finding yourself reading this page... you know it's time for more.
In-person is another level of magic, support, healing & empowerment.
Many of the blocks you are having are so subconscious that unless you do this deep somatic work, you won’t ever feel completely free in your mind, body or soul. You may have 323 tools in your toolbox, but do you really want to have to always rely on tools to keep you calm in everyday situations?
What I do is nothing short of magic. My Monica Modalities that I have created, have taken clients from constantly being triggered, having rage blackouts, being reactive about the tiniest things, and having to try and calm themselves down with their ‘tools’ ... to being in the exact same situations and not even realizing that they weren’t triggered until after the matter.
They didn’t have to calm themselves down, or use a tool, because the trigger was completely gone. So gone, that they forgot it even existed.
These 3 days are the medicine that you need not just to heal yourself the little traumas, but also from the trauma that has been passed down through generations. The pressures from society. The hurt in your heart, the aching from your past that keeps you awake at night.
I specialize in healing like a human. In getting rid of the root so that you're not reliant on tools all the time. I welcome the chaos, mess and ugliness so that you can see your bliss, peace and femininity.
The women that I’m calling in are the women that desire to go deep. They came here on this planet for depth. They are wanting to be activated, inspired, cracked open, and re-wired for abundance, love, ecstasy, sensuality, and magnetism and to be the woman that lights up the room.
If you are ready to let go of the parts of you that now need to be shifted, alchemized, and dismissed, then this is for you.
I will be guiding you through modalities that will be trippy AF, cracking you open and allowing you to receive in your feminine body like never before.
This immersion is like no other.
These 3 days are built on knowing that you are here to clear everything holding you back from being the version of yourself that the world is waiting for you to embody!
You will be floating in the cosmos, your physical body will be releasing in a way that you’ve never been able to get to before, and your aura is about to explode.
I cannot wait for you to see your before and after picture and how in 3 days your face, energy, and aura will shift dramatically. This event isn’t just for 3 days, it’s the impact you will feel for the rest of your fucking life.
It’s for yourself, your lover, your kids, your friends, your job, your pets, your family, and future generations.

If you want this to
be the year that you
finally commit to:

If you want to finally experience:
What will you achieve?
You will get rid of the stories holding you back from accessing your dream life and heal wounds that you have about the feminine. It doesn’t matter what your childhood looked like; we all have trauma holding us back in our day-to-day lives. You know something is blocking you from what you want… and that’s why you’re reading about this event 😉
We will be opening up your throat chakra so you can be comfortable speaking your truth and drawing boundaries. We will be doing womb releasing, clearing, and activation to cleanse your portal of any past people that have hurt you, crossed your boundaries, or you were 99% yes to them, and 1% was no, but you said yes anyway. Dw girl, no shame I used to as well!
Embodiment work to help you release the pain and trauma that you are holding onto and to step into your aligned and magnetic feminine self. Manifestation practices so that you can learn how to properly manifest and call in the things you want. Creating massive and rapid change in your mindset so the things holding you back will be gone.
Healing your relationship with money and upgrading your wealth frequency, so money no longer creates that sick feeling inside of you, loving the shit out of yourself so you are oooozing confidence, breathwork to release all the trauma that is stuck in your body, sexual release work to open you up to allow orgasmic energy to flow through you daily.
This isn’t just an event where you feel relaxed after the 3 days.
These are THE 3 days that will change your life.
This event is about holding a powerful and safe energetic space for you to feel supported and loved by other women. The community aspect of this work is one of the largest pieces of the puzzle and I continue to be blown away by how this helps and speeds up growth and healing.
You know how you often think you’re the only woman with problem ‘x’?
By being at an event with other women, you not only realize that others relate to your struggles, but you will also have more ‘stuff’ come up that wouldn’t have otherwise. This is because when women share things, it will trigger wounds that you otherwise may not have been aware of.
These 3 days are an energetic activation into your TRUEST self along with deep re-coding, trauma release, and embodiment work.
Instead of waiting another 3-6 months to take the leap and invest, how about you take the leap now so that in 3-6 months' time you are already well into your next-level version of yourself?!

An Immersive Experience
This isn’t just an event. This is an immersion. This experience allows you to step away from the environment and same-old days to shift your body into a new state. Often we need to completely revolutionize our outer world to change out inner world and this event will do just that.
This is the chance for you to give your higher/next level self 3 days to develop so that you can walk out of that venue as your new self. Being immersed for 3 days allows you to have the deepest transformation because you are, in a sense, disconnected from the outside world that can sometimes slow down your progress.
By diving deep for 3 days, it allows you to have a faster healing process and "rip off the bandaid" instead of extending it over weeks or months.

Deep Embodiment
Embodiment is the missing piece for a lot of people. They are aware of their trauma. They know some of the things that they want to work through but it doesn't stick.
They don't "walk the talk." Knowing something and doing it are two different things. A very important part of my healing blueprint is ensuring the healing turns into EMBODIMENT. Otherwise have you really changed and evolved?
The embodiment piece might be the part that scares you the most about this event. Allowing yourself to have fun doing lap dances, making love to strawberries and owning your desires?! Seems crazy. But is that not what you're coming for? To feel SAFE and EMPOWERED in being your full feminine expression?
Powerful Monica Modalities
Since 2018 I've been creating revolutionary modalities that have helped clients in ways that 10 years of therapy couldn't. When you work with the body and you trust yourself to be your own best healer, it's truly remarkable what happens.
My modalities combine your body with your mind so that you can choose to let go of your past, to free yourself of your internal prison and to become free from within.
If you've worked with me online before and felt the shift in your life from my work, just wait until you're in this room with me. These modalities cannot be found through Google or self help books. I have channelled them myself and created them with a deep awareness of the body, trauma and psychology to ensure that they're creating long-lasting results.

What will you achieve?
This isn’t just an event. This is an immersion. This is the chance for you to give your higher/next level self 3 days to develop so that you can walk out of that venue as your new self.
Being immersed for 3 days allows you to have the deepest transformation because you are, in a sense, disconnected from the outside world that can sometimes slow down your progress. BY diving deep for 3 days, it allows you to have a faster healing process instead of extending it over weeks or months.
The embodiment practises that I have made up over the past 4 years are game changers. THey are like nothing you’ve experienced before and they have completely transformed my client’s lives. It doesn’t matter whether you are needing to embody your feminine or feel safe to hold $5 million dollars, they work time and time again
Powerful Modalities
This event is different because the modalities that I use will mean that you are releasing a lot of deep shit….and you’ll finally feel like you’re ‘home’ in yourself. They are not for the faint-hearted, and I guarantee that you haven’t experienced them before (because I’ve made them up, and so many of my clients have done modalities with the same intention as mine, and have never gotten as deep as they do with me).
You're ready for more...
The women that I’m calling in are the women that are desiring to go deep. They came here on this planet for depth. They are wanting to be activated, inspired, cracked open and re-wired for abundance, love, ecstasy, sensuality, magnetism and to be the woman that lights up the room
You are ready to let go of the parts of you that now need to be shifted, alchemized and dismissed, then this is for you.
You're done playing small
These 3 days are about celebrating your BIGNESS! We are infusing dance parties, lap dances, and sensual eating so that you are fully FEELING yo-self! We are no longer playing small, we are dancing on tables and lighting up the room!
You want to be around people FINALLY!
Fuck me, 2020/21 has been HARD right?! Well, a lot of us are CRAVING human intimacy (not just sexually) and many don’t even realize how deprived and thirsty their feminine is! This is your dance to get your cup filled RIGHT THE FUCK UP! You will be making friends for LIFE over these 3 days.


JUNE 14-16, 2024
3 FULL day in-person immersion (9.30am-5.30pm), lunch and snacks (gluten free of course ;)) Refreshments and cacao, branded journals, branded tote bag, and other goodies to create the #vibe. The MAIN thing is obviously that your whole life will be changed
Join the waitlist to be the first to know about future in-person experiences
purchase now!- or -
3 payments of $1898
Bank Transfers accepted for pay-in-full tickets if preferred. Please email finance@monicayateshealth.com for details.
Not sure if this event is right for you?
Book a 20-min consultation call with Monica for a personalized recommendation!
MAY 24-26, 2024
3 FULL day in-person immersion (9:30 am-5:30 pm), lunch and snacks (gluten-free of course ;)) Refreshments and cacao, branded journals, branded tote bag, and other goodies to create the #vibe. The MAIN thing is obviously that your whole life will be changed
Join the waitlist to be the first to know about future in-person experiences
USD $4997
purchase nowJOIN THE WAITLIST!- or -
3 payments of $1750
Bank Transfers accepted for pay-in-full tickets.
Please email finance@monicayateshealth.com for details.

Watch the Immersion Open House Replay!
You can tune into the replay and learn about these things too:
Manifesting Money and Respecting Income 13:44
Masculine and Feminine Investments 27.09
Working on Trauma without Knowing Specifics 40.19
Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone 49.04