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The Link Between Trauma and Physical Health Issues

THE LINK BETWEEN TRAUMA AND PHYSICAL HEALTH ISSUES Okay, here we go...a specialty of mine. But just one specialty because I'm a jack of all trades For women - trauma will often show up as period issues, "infertility", skin issues, adrenal fatigue, IBS, lower back pain, and chronic UTIs For men, it'll show up as low testosterone, low libido, skin issues, adrenal fatigue, gut issues, knee issues, lower back pain ...and it's all energetic. (well unless you had a ski accident lol...but that happened for a very particular reason for moi) When our energetic bodies get clogged from unprocessed grief, sadness, heartbreak, loss, anger, fear etc it can manifest in our physical body until we get rid of that stuck energy in our body. In episode 152 I go through how your brain is affected by trauma and how this sends signals to the rest of your body. Any questions - let me know!
All of this will be healed in QA and in my men’s program starting later in the year ♥️