
How Healthy Communication Keeps the Polarity Alive in Your Relationship

How Healthy Communication Keeps the Polarity Alive in Your Relationship

One of the most overlooked but ESSENTIAL pieces of keeping that spicy, electric chemistry alive in your relationship comes down to communication—specifically, healthy communication that honors polarity. You’ve probably heard me talk about this a lot, but I’ll say it again because it’s so important. It’s not just about who does what around the house or who earns more money (though these can play a role), it’s about the energy you’re bringing into your communication with each other.

So, let’s break this down.



Masculine vs. Feminine Energy in Communication
Polarity in a relationship is all about balancing masculine and feminine energy. The feminine energy is soft, open, and receptive, while the masculine is grounded, steady, and directed. We all have both energies within us, but in a romantic dynamic, there’s usually one partner who embodies the masculine energy more strongly and the other who embodies the feminine.

The feminine thrives on emotional connection, openness, and vulnerability, while the masculine flourishes in an environment of respect and the feeling that they are needed. And guess what? How you communicate can either strengthen that polarity or weaken it. If the goal is to keep the spark alive, we need to be conscious of how we’re communicating.



Feminine Communication: Lead with Your Feelings
Ladies, when you’re communicating with your man, the key is to stay in your heart. You’ve probably been there before—those moments when you feel overwhelmed, unheard, or even taken for granted. And sometimes, it’s so easy to lash out with things like, “You never help me!” or “You don’t care about how I feel!”

But here’s the thing: that energy is going to push him further away and put him on the defense. It’s not going to create the closeness you want. Instead, try leading with your feelings. Phrases like, “I’m feeling really overwhelmed and I would love your help” or “I feel really disconnected right now and miss spending time with you” come from a soft, vulnerable place. You’re still being direct and communicating what you need, but you’re doing it in a way that invites him to step into his masculine energy, where he can rise to the occasion.

When we stay in our feminine and express from our heart, it keeps the energy between you and your partner flowing in a way that deepens connection, instead of creating resentment.



Masculine Communication: Stay Grounded, Stay Present
Now for the men. When your woman shares her feelings, your first instinct might be to fix things. Maybe you want to jump into problem-solving mode or defend yourself. But the most powerful thing you can do is actually just listen. Stay steady. Your grounded presence alone is healing for her.

When she comes to you with emotion, don’t see it as a problem to solve. See it as an opportunity to make her feel heard, safe, and cherished. Sometimes all she needs is for you to hold space for her to feel whatever she’s feeling. You don’t need to fix it, you just need to be there, calmly and confidently. This is what keeps her anchored in her feminine and builds a deeper level of trust and intimacy between you.



Conflict: Navigating Arguments with Polarity in Mind
And what about those moments when you’re in the heat of an argument? This is where polarity often gets flipped on its head and chaos ensues.

If you’re the feminine partner, it’s easy to get frustrated and start pushing with masculine energy—raising your voice, trying to control the situation, or leading the argument. But this dynamic weakens the masculine’s ability to stay grounded, which then creates even more disconnection.

Instead, even during a fight, focus on staying in your feelings. “I feel hurt” or “I’m feeling really unsupported right now” is more powerful than trying to dominate the conversation or make him wrong.

For the masculine partner, staying grounded is key. When you’re calm and not reactive, it signals to her that she’s safe, even when things feel turbulent. If you become defensive or start matching her emotional intensity, that’s when the situation escalates, and neither of you are staying in your true energy.

Keeping the Polarity Alive in the Bedroom
Let’s be honest, the way you communicate outside the bedroom has a HUGE impact on what happens inside the bedroom. The feminine craves emotional connection to fully open up in intimacy, and the masculine thrives on feeling respected and needed. If you want more heat in the bedroom, focus on how you’re communicating day-to-day.

Ladies, when you share your desires or needs, try doing it in a way that makes him feel like he’s winning. Let him know what he’s doing right, too. Men love to feel like they’re your hero. And for the men, your grounded, present energy is magnetic to the feminine. When she feels like she can surrender because you’re leading, it opens up more passion and attraction in your relationship.

It’s a Daily Practice
Keeping polarity alive isn’t a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing practice, one that requires both partners to show up consciously every day. It’s about embodying your energy, whether that’s feminine or masculine, and communicating in a way that deepens connection and respect.

When you start communicating in a way that honors each other’s natural energy, you’ll notice the spark getting stronger. The attraction grows. The respect deepens. And you both feel more alive in the relationship.

Inside Healthy Love, you'll be re-igniting your polarity in a way that lasts. 

Healthy Love isn't just about fixing what's wrong; it's about elevating what's already beautiful. Whether you're navigating challenges or wanting to feel even more cherished, this program gives you the tools to create the deep, lasting love you've always craved.