
Why You Struggle to Receive (& How to Shift That Energy)

Why You Struggle to Receive (& How to Shift That Energy)

Do you often find yourself having the hardest time receiving? Like you literally will get a visceral response in your body when someone is trying to get you to accept something?

Most of the time this feeling is tied to deeper issues that will actually make you feel UNSAFE to receive.

So, this is why I’m writing this – to really dive into understanding why this happens and how you can actually shift your energy so feel SAFE to receive instead.

My first question for you (really be specific):

  •  What bad things would happen if I let go and truly received?


Seriously really think about letting go and receiving from a certain person or even the universe (money, manifestations, etc.)

When it comes to receiving, many of us have deep-seated beliefs that hold us back.

For instance, if you fear that having more money will lead to losing it or that others will take it from you, that fear blocks you from opening up to abundance.

Often, these beliefs stem from childhood experiences that have left an imprint on our bodies and energy.

Think of a time when a parent experienced financial loss. You might have internalized that more money means more loss, regardless of the circumstances. Even if you understand this logically as an adult, the emotional and energetic imprint remains and can block your ability to receive.


To shift this energy, it’s essential to create a solid foundation within yourself.

Imagine it like gardening: if you try to grow plants in poor soil, you won't get far. You need nutrient-dense soil aka a clear mind and a healed body. By addressing your traumas, beliefs, and the energetic blocks that hold you back, you create a fertile ground for your manifestations to flourish. 

Healing allows your body to be open, enabling you to receive fully (both inside & outside of the bedroom.) Surrender is key to manifestation, but many struggle to surrender because they don't feel safe.

Understanding why you might resist your dream life or block yourself from receiving is where the magic lies.

Many women feel guilty when receiving help or love. Society has conditioned us to believe we must earn our worthiness. This guilt can manifest when someone offers assistance, and we respond with, "No, I can handle it myself." We must recognize that receiving is our natural state.


Take a moment to reflect:

  • Do you feel guilty for receiving?
  • Do you believe you need to work harder to be deserving?


These beliefs are not truths. You simply are enough as you are.

Remember that receiving isn't just about accepting help from others; it’s about embracing everything around you—the universe, nature, and even your own self-care.

These are some of the BIGGEST ways I reground myself, recharge, and soften into receivership:

  • Spend time in the sun (yes without sunscreen sometimes so you get that VITAMIN D inside the bedroom & outside the bedroom 😉)
  • Nourish your body with really grounding food (HEAPS OF PROTEIN) - here at MYH we like to EAT aka no rabbit food. 
  • Soak in a warm bath 


So, let’s wrap this up.

Be mindful of that guilt. Explore whether you feel worthy enough to receive and recognize that nothing you do can make you more deserving.

Receiving is a fundamental aspect of our existence. It’s essential for our health, vitality, creativity, relationships, and overall sense of home within ourselves.

Allow yourself to embrace receiving fully, and watch how it transforms your life.