

What if your current relationship could become the greatest love story of all time?  Healthy Love isn’t just about fixing what’s wrong; it’s about elevating what’s already beautiful.

A 4 month hybrid between 1:1 & intimate group work that will leave you and your lover feeling seen, understood, respected, and fiercely loved.


Let's do this!!ENROLL NOW!

The only round of the year closes in...



Healthy Love isn't just about fixing what's wrong; it's about elevating what's already beautiful. Whether you're navigating challenges or wanting to feel even more cherished, this program gives you the tools to create the deep, lasting love you've always craved.

It doesn't matter how much of "soulmates "the two of you are – it matters about your commitment to growth and evolution within the relationship. Our relationship is incredible, not because it was just born this way but because of the work that we do inside of it.

Because of the communication that we work on, the challenges that we've gone through, and most importantly, how we've moved through those hard moments.

Healthy Love is the program that's missing out there.

It's not a tantra program that will have him rolling your eyes and you thinking, "he's not going to do this exercise with me for homework."

It's not a program that involves the two of you talking to each other in a way that makes you gag, and it's not a quick-fix program that leaves you feeling like there is an endless list of things the two of you need to work on.

So instead of thinking you need some 'fun' relationship program... maybe you need a program that teaches you how to fight well, disarm each other, not be reactive, improve communication, and realize that sometimes it is your fault, and THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU'RE HUMAN.

New research is informing us that 34% of Americans think their romantic relationships are the leading cause of their stress.

It's time we change that. 


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Whether you're going through a season shift, a hard time, or everything is great, I welcome you to Healthy Love.

This program is purposefully a hybrid between one coaching and a group program. The format structured in a “mastermind” kind of way and that you are actively influencing what we are working on in the program. So whilst there are lessons and things we will be healing, you get to make this program what you need to be by sharing what you’re struggling with and what you want out of this program in your intake form.

Imagine This...

Before Healthy Love...
You’ve just had a long day.
Work was stressful, you have a million things running through your mind, and all you want is to relax with your lover.

But the moment you walk through the door, it’s like an invisible wall goes up between you two. You make a comment about the dishes piling up or the fact that they didn’t text you back all day, and suddenly, it feels like everything’s about to unravel.

You both retreat to your separate corners—emotionally, maybe even physically—and once again, you find yourself wondering, why is this so hard?

It’s not that you don’t love each other. It’s that these little things—unspoken expectations, small resentments, old wounds—are silently building up, getting in the way of the connection you crave.

You miss how effortless it used to feel, and deep down, you know your relationship can be like that again. But right now, it feels like you’re stuck in a loop of frustration, misunderstanding, and avoidance.

Enter, Healthy Love.

After Healthy Love...

Now, imagine this:
You walk through the door after a long day, and instead of tension, there’s an ease and a big hug waiting for you.
You soften into each other's arms, drop your guard from the day, and can once again breathe easy.

You’ve both learned how to communicate your needs without snapping or shutting down. You know how to spot when old fears—like abandonment or feeling unheard—are creeping in, and instead of letting those feelings drive a wedge between you, you’re able to heal them in the moment.

You've become each others 100% safe place. When a disagreement comes up, you don’t retreat into silence or explode with anger.

You both have the tools to handle the tough stuff in a way that brings you closer, not further apart.
Conversations that used to leave you feeling misunderstood now end with a sense of relief, understanding, and even laughter.

With Healthy Love, that’s not just a fantasy—it’s your new reality.

By the end of Healthy Love, you'll...
  • Feel at ease when having hard conversations and not breaking into a sweat
  • Feeling chosen and wanted by your lover 
  • Communicate effectively so that you both feel understood, heard and loved.
  • Be proud of the woman/man that you are showing up as in your relationship
  • Be committed, in love and deeply passionate in a whole new way that will last through season shifts
  • Have your spark re-ignited in your relationship and feel the depth of your love again
  • Know how to navigate hard moments in relationships because we're all human, and seasons are normal
  • No longer feel anxious when going through a rough moment but instead know how to navigate as the high quality person that you are  
  • Have productive 'fights' that's brought the two of you closer, not further away
  • Having the tools and processes to stay in your own energy and not get triggered in rough moments
  • Cultivate your own sense of safety and remove any unhealthy co-dependancy 
  • Getting out of cycles of self abandonment and people pleasing (that just leads to resentment) 
  • Disconnect from the entitled relationship advice and root into the truth of unconditional love
In this program, you'll heal the parts of you that are blocking you from having the healthiest and most polarizing relationship possible. 
You and your partner deserve a love that lasts longer than life and where you fall more and more in love with each other every day.

As I walked down the aisle to marry a man better than I manifest, I remember so distinctly on my wedding day thinking to myself “every person deserves to experience a love like this.“ 

The reality is that most people can have this, but they don't put the effort in to make it a reality. 

A love that finds you in every lifetime requires work, commitment to growth, and putting your ego down.  

Our love is as good as it is because of the work that we put into it. The hard conversations that we have, the nervous system regulation and the understanding of how to communicate with the opposite sex. 

This experience is grounded in HUMANNESS. It's not getting all woo-woo where you can't implement it into the average everyday moment, and it all just goes over your head.

This program isn't going to ask you to have 3-hour deep & meaningful chats (not what a man wants), but instead will have a very personalized approach so that every couple is making huge strides in their UNIQUE relationship.    

The best relationships are built, not born. Healthy Love gives you the healing, support and guidance to turn your love into something extraordinary, where connection, trust, and growth are at the core of everything you do - where you always find your way back to each other, no matter how crazy life gets.

Do we have a perfect relationship? No. 
Why would we? 
We’re two humans that have extraordinarily different brains and have grown up with our own thoughts, beliefs, values, experiences and perceptions of the world.

You are meshing two worlds into one … there’s going to be struggles at times.But the struggles aren’t the problem. It’s how you move through them. It’s how they shape the new version of you, and the relationship.

When, really, you just have to learn how to communicate really well, hold your ground, and get my framework for 'fighting well.' And yes, it takes a little bit of initial legwork, and it might not work overnight, but it WORKS IN THE LONG RUN.

In my world, we are about playing the long-term game and getting sustainable, LASTING results so that you learn it once and use it forever.

Relationships are challenging... you've got two people from completely different walks of life (no matter how similar you might think you are, you are WILDLY different regarding your childhood) trying to cohabitate. The LEAST you can do is feel like you've got some tools and tactics to co-create your dream relationship.

Teach Me PlzCOUNT ME IN!
To manifest the life of your dreams


The thing that sucks your soul and drains your sense of self, or the experience that expands you and opens your heart.

Dating and relationships can be complex, or simple depending on your understanding of them and the way in which you show up.


This of course may shift around a little bit depending on what the groups needs are! As this program is influenced by your intake forms, you get to make this program what you need! So use this guide below as an idea of what we'll be diving into, knowing that it can change based on what you need support, health, and help with! 


Creating Healthy Love

Find out what's blocking you from having the love that you want and deserve so that you have a framework for yourself and direction over these next 4 months together.

We'll work on nervous system regulation so that you can stay calm when you get triggered and not get defensive, anxious or avoidant when things come up.

You'll be working on feeling seen and understood by your partner with embodiment practices and healing sessions with me.

Attachment Theory

Attachment styles can change from moment to moment. One day you're axiously attached, the next you're avoiding your partner once they've pissed you off or made you feel unseen. The swinging from one side to the other creates unsafety in the relationship for yourself and your lover, as well as becomes an exhausting waste of your energy.

We'll be diving into healing your attachment style as a whole, and then also how to heal in micro-momments where your nervous system can feel shut down or highly stressed in moments.


Ego & Love

Often what can hold us back in our love life is our ego. The need to be right, getting defensive and struggling to self reflect.

We'll be working on your insecurities that show up in your love life, how to move through moments of ego & nervous system support to come into a place of love *even when it's HARD as f*ck*

We'll also be joined for a call with my husband where he'll share his perspective on what he changed and learn in his journey of being with a feminine woman (me), How he supported his own growth into his grounded masculinity and how he supports me in non-traditional ways.

Polarity, Desire and Intimacy

You'll discover what is blocking you and your lover from deeper polarity, intimacy and hot desire for each other so that you can heal this and know how to *not* have these blocks resurface in the future.

We'll be working on the core influencing factors (plus your specific struggles) of communication, releasing control (the feminine), leading and having control (the masculine), and opening your heart so that you can feel where vunerability beacomes a turn on.


Bonus Lessons

As part of joining Healthy Love, you'll also unlock pre-recorded lessons and healing session on the below topics.
View the lessons (click to open the drop down)
This BONUS content is to be used as extra resources to accompany all thework we'll be doing in the live calls. Couples will get their own individual log in to access these.


Please note that this is an application based container. Once you have filled in your application (by clicking your payment choice) you'll be sent to a form to fill out so that I can ensure this program is right for you!
Single person

Just Me!

A hybrid of group and 1:1 coaching--you guys have been asking for this for sooo long and I'm so excited to finally offer this to you!!
Bi-weekly live group calls with me for four months (8 in total)
Private group Telegram with direct access to Monica for questions & coaching so you have relationship support in your back pocket
Intimate community with other like-minded people who are seeking growth and transformation in their relationship right alongside you--some of the BEST lifelong friendships come out of these kinds of programs!
6 hours of pre-recorded trainings and calls to plug into between live calls as needed
1 payment of $5397 5 payments of $1111
Couples option (Save $2600)

My Lover & I

A hybrid of group and 1:1 coaching--you guys have been asking for this for sooo long and I'm so excited to finally offer this to you!!
Bi-weekly live group calls with me for four months (8 in total)
Private group Telegram with direct access to Monica for questions & coaching so you have relationship support in your back pocket
Intimate community with other like-minded people who are seeking growth and transformation in their relationship right alongside you--some of the BEST lifelong friendships come out of these kinds of programs!
6 hours of pre-recorded trainings and calls to plug into between live calls as needed
PLUS: 1:1 call with Monica for you and your lover
1 payment of $79975 payments of $1625
Healthy Love enrollment closes on October 31st The program starts on November 5th with our first call (we break for a month over the holidays!)


Please note that this is an application based container. Once you have filled in your application (by clicking your payment choice) you'll be sent to a form to fill out so that I can ensure this program is right for you!

Healthy Love enrollment closes on October 31st The program starts on November 5th with our first call (we break for a month over the holidays!)

Join as just you, or as a couple

A hybrid of group and 1:1 coaching
Bi-weekly live group calls with me for 4 months
Private group Telegram with direct access to Monica
Intimate community with other like-minded people
6 hours of pre-recorded trainings and calls to plug into between live calls as needed
PLUS: 1:1 call with Monica for you and your lover (when you join as a couple only)
JUST ME: 1 payment of $5397JUST ME: 5 payments of $1111COUPLES: 1 payment of $7997COUPLES: 5 payments of $1625


COUNT ME IN!i'm in!!