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You Can Have Trauma Even If You Had a "Perfect" Upbringing...

You can have trauma even if you had a “perfect” upbringing. You do not need to have fought in a war, seen death, or been in an abusive situation to experience trauma. There is a scale of trauma and it ranges from your mum saying ‘no’ to you when you were 3 years old, all the way to seeing murder. And it’s all trauma no matter what. It’s common for people to gaslight themselves by saying that “their trauma isn’t as bad as others” (and therefore, they shouldn’t be affected by it or seek help). And this is where you’re wrong. It’s not just about the trauma itself, it’s also about the way in which you perceived the trauma that affects you. And your trauma not only affects you, it also affects everyone around you. it will affect your clients, relationships, health, family, children, wealth, productivity, work etc. Research has shown up that trauma creates actual psychological changes including a recalibration of the brains internal alarm system (the part of your brain that screams DANGER) as well as an increase in cortisol, and changes the system that filtered relevant and irrelevant information. So basically it completely changes your brain and you likely won’t be aware of it, because it will become your new normal. Trauma, whether it’s the result of something that someone has done to you, a situation you’ve been in, or something that you've will cause you to constantly get triggered and your body will feel like the trauma is re-occurring over and over again (even when it’s not). So, whether you have had a perfect childhood or not - you have trauma because of the way that you PERCEIVED things and anytime that you didn’t get to express yourself or you shut your feelings down when you were little. And I’m here to help. Trauma is the peanut butter to my Jelly and I have a gift for helping people to no longer be triggered by situations/smells/sounds/people that used to trigger them. If you know that you need this work and you want a DEEP and FAST transformation —> Coming to Tulum is your first-class flight to freedom