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Ways to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy to Cultivate Your Leadership

An article for Disrupt Magazine
The scariest thing that I have ever been told is to let my guard down and be open to being vulnerable. The literal thought of letting my walls down and being open and receiving sent me into a panic. Like WHAT?! Excuse me, I would rather be very guarded and highly selective of what I think should be in my life, thank you very much. However, when you think about it what exactly are we guarding? Ourselves? Maybe negative energy? Toxic people? Although all of that in essence is true, we mostly are protecting ourselves, but we are also probably keeping ourselves from embracing feminine energy.
Okay first thing first, feminine energy is not WEAK and it’s not only reserved for women. No, feminine energy is the creative, nurturing, loving, open, intuitive and most importantly a vulnerable being that helps you tap into your inner self. It’s the very thing that gives you that gut feeling to start a new business or maybe take a risk doing something, its energy that helps you become more open to what life has to offer. And embracing and tapping into it, especially if you are a woman you’ll be surprised to find that you’ll start to emit this sort of energy that people want to be around.
Tapping into your feminine will only make you a stronger leader to lead. And I absolutely do NOT want to hear this whole “I have to work like my male counterparts in order to move up,” I say no the F**k you don’t. Sometimes being a woman does make it harder to get that corner office, but I also think we should be working smarter not harder. We as working women get stuck in this idea that we have to play like the boys to rule in a mans world and realistically when has that worked out? When we decide to stop embracing our feminine and trying to be an equal to our male counterparts we start getting compared to our male counterparts at work! We are setting ourselves up to fail and instead we should tap into our feminine and figure out how we can move up without ditching our inner selves.
Here are a few tips and words that I recommend that has helped me tap into my feminine energy and become an amazing leader:
Tip 1: Be Receptive
The most important part of being in a leadership position is having an understanding of yourself and those you are leading. No one wants to be led by someone who is one-sided and only plays by their rules. By being open, receptive and yes VULNERABLE, you start to learn more about yourself and areas that can be improved. Your team will feel comfortable voicing their concerns and find trust in knowing that you can be open-minded to their thoughts and ideas.
Tip 2: Be Creative
Now I don’t mean creativity in the sense of painting and crafting, I mean being creative in ways that you can bond with your team and finding new ways to lead. Tapping into that creative energy will be a guide in finding more ways to better your team and strengthen communication and trust as a whole.
Tip 3: Be Collaborative Not Authoritarian
Yes I know this is similar to being receptive but it’s also very different. Learning to be collaborative with your team will equal in meetings feelings like a conversation they want to be a part of not counting down the minutes until it’s over. The worst thing a person in a leadership position can do is seeing their team as replaceable and not important. The best way to get someone to work effectively is make them feel appreciated.
Tip 4: Be Reflective
Reflect, reflect, reflect. If we went into every new year not looking at our past year to find new ways to be better what are we doing with our lives? Being reflective and looking back on things that maybe didn’t work and figuring out why they didn’t work and thinking of new ways to make it work is the best thing to do. No one wants to be in a toxic environment and have their leader tell them this is how it’s always been and we’re not changing it. Like ummm no, they are going to leave and never look back. Once again I will repeat myself feminine energy isn’t WEAK! It’s being open and understanding and acknowledging that it is an energy we want to be around. Leading in the feminine only makes you a stronger leader and prepared for any situation life throws at you. Overall, it’s a different way of seeing and leading and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to grow their team and most importantly themselves.