The Blog Archives
Stop doing this!

You know what is heart breaking? Women emasculating men.⠀
I used to do it, I’m not perfect. I wasn’t taught how it was wrong, bad or just not okay.⠀⠀
I was watching Grey’s Anatomy the other night and holy hell the emasculation that goes on in that program is horrendous. And people view it as, “GIRL POWER!!!” ⠀
But it’s not girl power. Girl power is standing your ground with self respect, but NEVER ripping someone else's dignity down. ⠀⠀
When you emasculate, you are so in your wounded feminine you probs don’t even realise. ⠀⠀
When you emasculate you are STRIPPING a man of his dignity and you make him feel worthless.⠀⠀
If a man said to you (as a woman), “You are worthless and no one wants you,” would you feel good? Would that make you WANT to be around that man? F*ck no.⠀
Funny how we forget to switch roles. ⠀⠀
It’s pretty common these days of how for some random reason (society) women are allowed to man bash, but as soon as a man talks shit about a woman, he is a dick and the worst man on the planet.
If you want a king, how about you start treating ALL men the way they want to be treated.
Small examples include: ⠀⠀
- Telling the men in your life you appreciate it when they let you know ahead of time when they need to cancel plans⠀
- Allowing a man to hold open the door and you just saying 'thank you', and receiving it ⠀
- Letting a man (even a man friend) pay for your meal if he says 'No, I'll grab it'⠀
These are just some small examples, and there are a TONNE more. Saying thank you from the bottom of your heart and receiving is the best way that you can treat a man. ⠀
Men treasure women and think they are god’s greatest gifts, so how about you treat them nicely back? ⠀⠀
If you can't or this is triggering you ... I invite you to think about doing some healing work.