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Let's Talk About The Wild Feminine...

Let’s talk about the wild feminine. People see the word ‘wild’ and run. They see expression as something to be afraid of. When there is a moody thunderstorm rolling in, do you shame Mother Earth? Do you think there is something wrong? No. So how come we do this to women when they are expressing themselves, or when there is a change of pace in their energy because of their cycle? The feminine in a human is one in the same as the feminine in Mother Nature. She is wild, majestic, authentic and free. I think being embodied in your wild feminine is a sign of authenticity. It’s a sign that she (or you) is in her truth. It’s a sign that you can TRUST her (for all the men in relationship with women) because you know she will express herself when something is great, worrying or bad. People that are authentic, in my opinion, are more trust worthy because they are true to themselves. They are not trying to fit into a box, and thus their emotions and expressions do too. Part of being a human is being wild. When you are having an off day, a sad day, or an anxious day, your manifestations will not come to a halt. They will not stop. You are not in a ‘low vibe’ in contrary to popular opinion of those ‘frequency charts’ … You are human. The universe praises you for your human-ness. Let’s celebrate and normalise the ups and downs, shall we? MMM level 2 is opening again on Friday and there will be a new LIVE module on the exact things I did to manifest my dream home and life here in NYC, and I cannot fucking wait!! Part 2 is this post coming tomorrow where I’m going to elaborate on my thoughts of those frequency charts (as shown on my story)