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How To Feel Safe and Embrace Your Kinky Side... (For Men & Women)

How to feel safe to embrace your kinky side (both men and women) I never used to be able to surrender this much. I never used to be able to ask for exactly what a wanted in the bedroom, tell them to get the handcuffs, robes, to choke me, to call me names….because I was still triggered by the fact that I didn’t feel strong, safe and confident as a woman in my body. I never used to be able to do this when I was still holding onto even fragments of my past trauma. Even fragments of beliefs that a feminine woman is X. Yet the more I have embraced the fuck out of my femininity and that I surrender like no ones biz, the better my sex life is. (and his too). Most of you, deeeeep down (if you don’t admit it) have a desire to be submissive (not a doormat - know the difference). You want a man that can make you surrender, relax and receiveee and my GOD does it feel good in your body. Most men, have a desire to be dominant. To be THE MAN. To put her in her place. To fuck her brains out. Yet for various reasons you don’t let yourself be this. Why? Because of a thing in your head and your body making you wrong for doing or wanting these things. (And trust me, I’ve heard ALL the sexual fantasies … and they all make complete sense) All your wanting, is to be put so into your core energy, that you feel rejuvenated. Masculine Men - you want to feel like you have control again in a world that makes you constantly worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. Feminine Women - you want to feel like you can let go of every worry, fear, stress in your life and that nothing can hurt you. You want to feel like HE HAS GOT YOU! Ugh just those words 🤤 So how do you let yourself get these things? You work on the thing that’s not letting you feel 100% safe to have/express/want them. I’m so excited for all the ladies in Queen Alchemy to finally feel safe to express themselves authentically. And for all the men I have a live program coming for you guys soon so keep a look out