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How Frequency Charts Are Unhelpful

Unpopular opinion: I don't see how those 'frequency' charts are helpful. They just make people think that if they are feeling anger, or sadness, pain, anxiety, or lust that they are in a 'low vibe' and that everything they are manifesting is just going to fall away... hmmm nopppppeee It's about intention (in my opinion). If you want to get into a thing with someone because hello yummy LUST then - do it. If you feel sadness, then FEEL IT If you are in emotional pain, then CRY! (and take pain killers if it's physical pain)
None of those things make you low vibe. You know what makes you low vibe? Shoving down your TRUTH because it's "wrong". No honey You trying to fit into someone else's perception of things is wrong. Now obviously if you are *always* feeling pain, fear, guilt, anger, victimization etc, then yes you will be in a lower vibe and that will affect your life. And these emotions are from a root thing (hello childhood) that you want to heal. But you having ups and downs and sometimes feeling like the victim, or pain, or guilt, or fear (hello 2020/21) that DOES NOT mean that you are low vibe and that you are 'wrong.' PLEASEEEEE know that your feelings, experiences and emotions are NEVER wrong. MMM level 2 is opening NEXT MONDAY and this is your manifestation and wealth frequency program for those of you that want to embody next level manifestations. we are beyond the basics, and taking things to another level. (p.s. I know my previous post said I was opening it on Friday but I'm having some #lifemoments and need the week). pps. new podcast is out!! and it's SOOOO juicy!!!