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A Healthy Girl's Guide to NOT Getting Hungover

What I drink: My biggest tip (and most people know this) is stick to one drink throughout the night - don't mix. So my #1 choice (because it literally is as healthy as alcohol can get) is vodka, lime and soda water. Do not get tonic water - this contains sugar. It also means that you are getting some hydration at the same time (from the soda water) unlike drinking cocktails or wine. Before I go out: Have a good dinner that will keep you satiated for the whole night. I would never be tempted by processed foods, but many people do get tempted especially after a few drinks. So have a filling dinner before you leave. My staple is guacamole, sweet potato, green veggies, olive oil and a fried egg --> Lots of fat and liver to help my liver detoxify the alcohol. When I got home:
  • Drink 2 big glasses of water
  • Take 1-2 activated B6 supplements (to recover more quickly from dehydration)
  • 1 teaspoon of Vitamin C powder (try this one) in filtered water (it's a very potent form of vitamin c which is a powerful antioxidant to combat the stress to your cells)
  • Spray magnesium spray over your middle body to help combat the dress and boost detoxification
  • Eat some fat and carbs (in the form of veggies) - I ate a couple of tablespoons of almond butter on some leftover sweet potato toast from dinner. By eating something like this when I get home, it also means that I don't wake up STARVING and then binge eat (on something healthy) first thing in the morning because I'm ravishing.
  • 400mg of Magnesium Glycinate
  • 2 tablets of L-Tyrosine
  • 1-2 tablets of Activated Charcoal (have 2 tablets if you drank a lot)
  • 2000mg of Turmeric tablets
In the morning after I woke up:
  • Get up and go for a walk. Even if you don't want to, just go. This is literally the only time I tell you to not listen to your body and just exercise. By going for a power walk (which isn't anything strenuous) you will wake up your body and mind which starts to boost the detoxification pathways. Exercising boosts brain functions so it will help you to actually have a brain for the day (I usually lose mine when I'm hungover)
  • Make a BIG breakfast with lots of veggies, some eggs for protein and 1/2 an avocado for fat. Roast up Brussels, asparagus, cauliflower, zucchini, mushrooms and sautee some leafy greens in coconut oil or ghee. This is probably the best liver cleansing breakfast you could have. Make sure to include Brassica vegetables and green leafy veggies along with your poached eggs and avocado for maximum detoxification.
    • Having a BIG breakfast will help to keep cravings at bay for the rest of the day
    • Try this recipe
  • DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. I try to drink more water than usual throughout the day (not tea) and include lemon juice in your water to aid in the elimination of toxins
  • Have a nap at 12 noon to keep you going. If you end up getting super tired you are going to be unproductive and probably turn to food. Being sleep deprived can disrupt two of your hormones that are responsible for hunger- ghrelin, and leptin. When you do not get adequate sleep, the body makes more ghrelin and less leptin, leaving you hungry and increasing your appetite.
Also, please note that this doesn't get rid of you being tired from lack of sleep, it just stops you from feeling sick or having a pounding headache.