I feel like with the year starting to wrap up, and Christmas just around the corner (how the fuck did that happen), we are all in need of some serious orgasms am I right? And in case you aren’t with me sista, here are 5 reasons why you should be having more of the things making you reach for the sky.
- It increases your fertility and vitality by boosting your hypothalamus which regulates your appetite hormones, body temperature, emotions, and the pituitary gland that will thank you with healthy ovulation and cervical fluid
- It reduces stress in a FLASH. This is something that I talk about in my ‘Hacking The Holiday’ Module in my Turning Off Your Period Problems Program, but in a nutshell, having a damn, good, orgasms will flush out that cortisol straight away. And I dunno about you, but I’m in need of some of that lately. And keep this in the back of your mind for when the holiday’s roll around and your family is driving you CRAZAY.
- Increases your oxytocin levels which is linked to passion, social skills and tapping into your intuition. So it’s THE hormone for bonding and success – just in time for summer parties!
- It helps reduce migraines and period pain! And don’t be afraid of having period sex – if you haven’t already tried it, you’re missing out. It’s fucking FANTABULOUS. But babe, remember that period pains and migraines are not normal. I’ll be covering how to get rid of your migraines and period pain for good in my upcoming program.
- Promotes healthy estrogen levels. So if you are on the lower side of estrogen – you better get cracking ;)
Don’t worry, there are more reasons where this came from. I just didn’t want to overwhelm you with a longggggg list of all the millions of reasons why you should be getting the big O.
Having problems with your libido so you never feel like getting the big O? I can help you!
I’m increasing all my prices on December 1 so if you’d like to see my before the price change,
book in before it’s too late. I’m booking up well in advance and I would hate for you to miss out on getting my expertise at this low price xx