The Blog Archives
182: Manifesting, the law of action and when your words become your spells

This is a short chicken nugget episode. Today I’m talking about fear, vibes and manifestation:
☾ How to get out of scarcity.
☾ The answer to ‘how can I be manifesting all that I want when everything feels really heavy from the state of the world at the moment?’
☾ Truth bomb: being spiritual and believing in the universe doesn’t mean that you always need to be high-fucking-vibe all the time.
☾ Why you shouldn’t suppress your emotions.
☾ Why you need to be able to differentiate your fear from your trauma.
☾ The key to manifesting.
☾ The law of action.
Today we have a new guest and his name his Butter. I just bought Jelly a brother! He has 1 blue eye and I’m obsessed. Make sure you’re following them at @pbandj_toypoodles.
I get a lot of people wondering how to get out of scarcity, so I thought I’d talk about that today. Obviously with the state of the world at the moment, it can feel like everything is really heavy, and it can lead you to ask “how can I be manifesting all that I want when I’m having these down days?”
I dive deeper into this in MMM L2, but the overarching thing that I want you to anchor into is you’re not going to be punished by the universe for feeling your emotions. You suppressing your emotions actually causes that stagnancy and lower frequency in your body. Suppressing your emotions causes you to be out of alignment and then it becomes hard to manifest things. Instead, if you are feeling your truth (and that can be sadness/anger/guilt/homesickness one day), you are going to be rewarded for that, because you’re having a human experience.
Being spiritual and believing in the universe doesn’t mean that you always need to be high-fucking-vibe all the time.
Whatever is allowing you to experience your humanity and reality, whatever emotions are coming up, that is going to get you to where you want to go. It’s going to get you your manifestations because the reality is you’re responding to and following what’s in front of you, instead of rejecting what’s happening for you right now because you’re living in your ego.
Obviously people feel fears in their life in regards to responding to something happening in their life, but what you also want to be able to differentiate is fear from your trauma. I did an IGTV on this which I highly recommend that you listen to. Essentially what I want you to understand is when you’re living in this trauma response, your ability to step outside your comfort zone is minute compared to those people who have allowed their bodies to feel safe day to day to step outside your comfort zone.
The key with manifesting is feeling aligned with what you want to draw in. Of course you’re worth it. You’ve healed any beliefs around you feeling that you can’t have it. It’s about being so in alignment that when you say something, you get it. Your words become your spells.
Everyone is always so focused on the end result and they don’t focus on how they can be taking action right now. Everyone thinks of the law of attraction and they forget about the law of action. The law of action is so important for you to be using, in addition to the law of attraction.
You’re not going to be punished by the universe for feeling your emotions.
Being spiritual and believing in the universe doesn’t mean that you always need to be high-fucking-vibe all the time.
The key with manifesting is feeling aligned with what you want to draw in. It’s about being so in alignment that when you say something, you get it. Your words become your spells.
Everyone thinks of the law of attraction and they forget about the law of action. The law of action is so important for you to be using, in addition to the law of attraction.