The Blog Archives
174: The highs and lows of the last 4 years in growing my company, taking scary leaps, the hard times, what I wish I knew and more

If you are a woman in business or in pursuit of starting a business, LISTEN UP! This episode is dedicated towards you.
This super JUICY business-related episode reveals how I started my business, what inspired me, things I did to kickstart my journey, and what led me to grow my business.
A few other topics I hit:
How my business was born
How I grew my following
Getting through having no support, no guidance, and being burnt out in business
Deciding to moving to NYC, nomad traveling, and living in Sydney
Learning new experiences through relationships and living in different cities, whilst becoming a business owner
The secret to dealing with slow starts in business
And I answer all your juicy business related questions
What's your biggest high and low?
My biggest high was I was asked to speak at an event in NYC. I was two-weeks post op from my second knee surgery from my ski accident. I flew first class, back to my favourite city in the world, the place that feels like home, to speak at an event.
My biggest low was my ski accident, hands down.
How did you start attracting clients and with how much in savings did you take the leap?
When I had my first business coach, I had $10,000 in my bank account and she was $1o,000 so I basically gave her everything. I remember being shit scared because I was going to NY in 3 weeks and I didn't want to have no money. But I trusted it. I took the leap. I gave her all my money and quadrupled it by the time I got to NY.
Being in her energy didn't make me money. People say that and you need to be really fucking careful. There is truth in this, and my clients say 'being in your energy activates something in me'. But I want you to listen to that. It activates something in YOU. And then, when you apply that and show up in that activation it makes you money. I don't just magically sprinkle fairy dust on people and then they make money. I activate them, I inspire them, I light a fire up their arse, I make them feel excited so they put work into their business, they put in action steps and then they make the money. So, always take the leap, and then take the action.
I started attracting clients by showing the fuck up on my Instagram (that's the bottom line and I go into more detail in BABA)
How did you launch and show up even if you didn't have many followers?
I think by the time I was selling I had about 5000 followers and a lot of them were following me for food, not life coaching. But it doesn't matter if you have 500, 5000 or 50,000 followers, people are following you because they like what you have to offer, and they are going to buy from you.
What was the most challenging part of your first year and what blocks did you overcome?
The push and the pull. I felt like I was being pulled in two directions of fun and work. It was this need for success and I didn't know how to get it in any other way. I didn't know how to not feel stressed when I was working and this is the case for a lot of people. It's debilitating. It's soul sucking.
Before I hired my second business coach (who was such a support system) I constantly felt debilitated because I didn't someone helping me, leading me, or someone that had been through it that could emphasise with me and give me nuggets of wisdom. I was trying to do it all myself and I just didn't have that support network which is really important. And even if thats what you need right now, you need me to be that leader for you, thats a great reason to hire me! It doesn't need to be that you need to learn a million things of me, it might just be that you need me to make you feel like you're not alone.
Chicken nuggets
I made that first $100,000 within the first quarter of the year of 2019 and it just snowballed. I made $800,000 in 2019. I'd hired a business coach who said that wasn't possible. And I was like 'fuck you' and now look at me bitch (lol).
In saying that, a lot of people go into business with the attitude of 'I'm going to prove those people wrong', but that isn't a very good energy to go into business with. I go in with the energy of 'I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong, I'm just getting what I want'. I don't use fear as a motivating factor, I use pleasure.
Patience quantum leaps me.