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169: The secret to finding balance when owning a business with your partner, with Mackalyn Rykers

Welcome to episode 3 of our 5 part mini podcast series. Today we are joined by Mackalyn, who was in my most recent round of BABA.
Mackalyn is a holistic nutrition coach helping her clients improve their diet, lifestyle, mindset and habits through education and accountability. Mack runs her company with her partner, which is awesome! (Mack is a nutrition coach and her boyfriend is a PT). This is always an interesting dynamic, and we chat about how BABA has helped them keep their relationship more separate to their business than is used to be.
Give us a bit of an intro to who you are and what you do:
I am an online nutrition coach. I focus on educating people and teaching them habits to have a better lifestyle. We focus on food, stress, sleep, mindset and exercise.
What got you into this line of work?
I did have a lot of health problems. I've had IBS, serious period problems (which Monica obviously helped me with), really bad eczema and I guess through learning how to fix it myself I found a passion for it. I couldn't find anyone to help me the way I wanted to be helped, so I thought maybe I should be the person that I was looking for. So I decided to study nutrition, and that's led me here.
What are the key things you've learnt from running your biz, that you feel has been game-changing for you?
The biggest game-changer I had was getting rid of my limiting beliefs. I knew the information, but I couldn't get it across to anybody because of my limiting beliefs. Getting rid of these has essentially allowed me to connect with people, sell myself online and build a business.
If someone else was starting out their business, what would be some words of wisdom that you'd like to give them?
The thing that I wish I did more of (or knew) at the start, was that I had to be 100% be backing myself. You can't rely on other people to be your support system.
What made you anchor in the knowing that you have fully got you, and you don't need anyone else's validation?
Jack and I moved around at the start, so we were spending a lot of money on AirBnb's and a lot of the savings we had prepared for starting a business we had spent. Having not much money meant that I just had to keep going and believe in myself.
What's it like working with your partner?
I get asked this a lot! I love it. Obviously we both work from home, so we spend all of our time together. We go to the gym together, we do activities together, we work together. I feel like we just have the balance of opposites. we have really good complimenting personalities so we help balance each other out. We haven't had any disputes or anything like that yet!
What is something that you've learnt from BABA that really landed for you?
In relationship to business, you said to be that I had really bad imposter syndrome. I told you that I didn't want to say something that was wrong, and you told me 'no one can know everything, all you have to do is know a deal more than your ideal client'. And that literally changed the way I approach everything. I always thought I had to research everything and I can't post anything until I know everything, which was stupid because it meant I was never posting anything.
Tell us about yourself, sell yourself!
I teach how to have a good relationship with food, mindfulness, how sleep can affect your mood and food choices, stress and how that can affect your food choices. With women, I go into using food to support your cycle and your hormones.
How has your business progressed since the beginning?
Originally, I would look at other people similar to me on Instagram and I'd see what they were talking about, what their hot topics were, and then I would try to use that to make my own point. I felt like I had to follow the crowd, rather than just talking about what I wanted to talk about and what my ideal clients were struggling. And now, I just have a download, and then I come back when I'm in a mood to write and I just let it flow.
Do you feel like it's been a lot more in flow now, than what it was at the beginning of your business?
Oh, absolutely. I feel like in the beginning we got up, worked, ate lunch, worked. Now, I've taught Jack to have slow mornings with me. We get up, we journal, we have coffee, and then we start work a little bit later. We take an hour lunch break and we'll go for a walk. We do have a lot more time for pleasure during the day.
How has having time for more pleasure paid off?
Our relationship is more of a relationship than just a partnership, with a better quality of life.
Do you have any final words of wisdom?
Don't give up! I know that's so cliche. It's not all rainbows and butterflies. You have to stick with it, if you want it, and it will 100% happen.
The biggest game-changer I had was getting rid of my limiting beliefs. I knew the information, but I couldn't get it across to anybody because of my limiting beliefs. Getting rid of these has essentially allowed me to connect with people, sell myself online and build a business.
BABA is officially opening for enrollment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginner Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout.