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We're here in the land of surrender ..... TULUM BABY!

We're here in the land of surrender ..... TULUM BABY! Wow so much has evolved, shifted, and manifested since I was living here in Feb of this year. This was my between home as i moved from London back to the US and it expanded me in ways I didn't expect. And now I'm back with my assistants, a second dog, my dream NYC apartment waiting for my return home, so many new friends, facilitating my event (which is one of my favorite things) and not escaping my living situation but rather missing it. Wow a lot can shift and change in 9 months. Also how the FUCK has it been 9 months?! Anyway, I'm excited to be in this bubble for the next 12 days and to change some lives. I really can't explain my work to be honest and no words do it justice so i hope that you watch my stories and can feel the energy in these 3 days <3 NYC immersion tickets around out Nov 16th too don't forget! And if you haven't joined BLNM, i highly recommend doing so! It will ROCK your world. (all the social proof is on the website page and in my highlight) p.s. if you are needing a starting point on your journey of understanding manifestation and healing your relationship with money...i HIGHLY recommend my program Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1! details are in my shop section xx