This Is Trauma Can Block You From Your Dream Life

Trauma could be stopping you from manifesting your dream life
Trauma is the result of you being in a situation where you felt unsafe. Even if looking back, or in someone else's eyes, the situation 'wasn't that bad,' it's irrelevant. What matters is that YOU went into a trauma response as a way to protect yourself and survive.
At the moment, you didn't get to process the stress, pain, abandonment, fear, etc that you were feeling... you had to just live.
As a result, the emotion from that situation stays "stuck" in your body and becomes what people refer to as a 'wound.'
Even if you mentally/logically understand that nothing bad happened, you were just 'being a kid' or 'being sensitive,' it doesn't take away from the very real fact that your body felt physically, mentally, or emotionally unsafe in that moment.
So those 'triggers' that you have are actually your unprocessed emotions getting activated due to past trauma that you may or may not even remember.
When your body keeps getting triggered, it responds as though that initial traumatic incident is happening again, and of course, you likely shove it down or brush it off, causing the emotional mountain in your body to just get bigger and bigger.
Below is my "trauma cycle," which is what people stay stuck in year after year until they finally realize they want to feel liberated and free in their body, mind, and soul.
My suggestion... don't wait until you hit rock bottom. Understand and acknowledge that those triggers, bad patterns, emotional dysregulation, avoidance, anxiety, people-pleasing tendencies, and toxic habits are a SYMPTOM of trauma that's much deeper.
When you work with the body and free yourself from the past, clear the stuck emotions, and remove yourself from these stale environments... everything changes.
The body is the key to healing. We cannot think that what we believe and what we feel are not mutually exclusive. What your body is feeling unconsciously, subconsciously, or consciously will affect how you think about yourself, act in your life, show up for others, communicate, work, etc.
When you have all these energetic blocks in your body, your subconscious inhibits your manifestations and compels you to engage in things like procrastination, self-sabotage, avoidant behaviors, etc. This, in turn, limits you from reaching your goals or keeping and embracing all the good things in your life.
How it affects manifesting
Whether you are trying to manifest, attract incredible people into your life, or build a business, it becomes tenfold more difficult when you are fighting an internal battle at the same time.
When you heal your trauma, your nervous system, mind, and body have the ability to attract and HOLD onto the things that you want in your life. Without these energetic blocks, it becomes easy to manifest — you are *now* NATURALLY in a high-vibrational state and able to attract other high-vibrational things into your life.
You feel worthy, you’re magnetic and you feel safe to have the life that you desire.
Your nervous system no longer feels like struggling is the only way to get what you want, toxic relationships are ‘normal’ and to run away from healthy men.
When you clear your trauma… you become a new version of yourself. You don’t just think differently; you are BEHAVING differently.
The best bit? You don’t have to have 500 mindset tools to remind yourself to behave and think differently; you just are.
As my clients say, "It feels like magic, Monica".
P.S. This doesn’t mean you have to be the perfect version of yourself to start manifesting, this just means that you cannot hide from doing deeper healing if you want to manifest your dreams with ease.
Ready to heal?
Join my signature trauma healing program, Queen Alchemy, so we can re-program your body, free yourself of the past, and have you feel safe to be radiating in your feminine energy.
If you want to feel turned on by life, this program is for you!
There are currently extended payment plans available for the next round (starting Feb 2025), so the earlier you join, the longer the payment plan can be!