My 7 year transformation and healing the stress from lockdowns

Firstly, for context, watch this video so you know what I'm talking about.
I’ve never shared that first picture with anyone. I only just shared it with my fiancé for the first time like a week ago.
I’m gonna be real first.
Just cause the ‘and now’ looks good doesn’t mean the last 7 years were horrendous and now I don’t have any issues.
Sure, I’ve had some rough moments in the last 7 years but had A LOT of happiness the whole time too. It’s DUALITY.
Of course as you get older, you glow brighter (this is case for everyone that is always wanting to improve themselves) and I’m not *only* okay now. I’m been fkn great for years. If you’ve followed me for a while, I’m not *only now* living my best life … have been since 2019. Ive just evolved, grown and looked different along the way.
And this is the key thing that I know has gotten me to this level of radiance…
I didn’t do anything ‘new’ in the last 2 years. I stayed CONSISTENT with being my best self after healing my trauma in early 2018. If you think you look good after doing my Immersion, 1:1 or Queen Alchemy (the before and afters are wild) just wait a few more years and keep up with the integration ;)
Like many of you, my lockdown experience was one of the most stressful long term experiences I’ll likely ever encounter. I was still fresh out of 2 surgeries from a very bad ski accident, my body was trying to come back to equilibrium after an A4 long list of drugs, learning how to walk again and having constant pain because oft he placement of the screws and plates in my knee/leg.
So if you’ve be struggling with weight gain, acne, insomnia, anxiety or anything else since c o v i d then you gotta read this...
Just cause the ‘and now’ looks good doesn’t mean the last 7 years were horrendous and now I don’t have any issues.
Lol that’s not real. There’s will always be hurdles , growing pains and ‘problems’. It’s just depends whether you let them make you small, or whether you learn from them and shine no matter what.
I’ve had some rough moments in the last 7 years but I’ve been shining the whole time. Of course as you get older, you glow brighter (this is case for everyone that is always wanting to improve themselves) and I’m not *only* okay now. I’m been fkn great for years. If you’ve followed me for a while, I’m not *only now* living my best life … have been since 2019. It’s just evolved, grown and looked different along the way.
And I want you to all see that jaw surgery picture that took me months to even show my fiancé. That was a identity change just to say the least.
Like many of you, my lockdown experience was one of the most stressful long term experiences I’ll likely ever encounter.
I was still fresh out of 2 surgeries from a very bad ski accident, my body was trying to come back to equilibrium after an A4 long list of drugs, learning how to walk again and having constant pain because oft he placement of the screws and plates in my knee/leg.
Throw in a jaw surgery a few years earlier (that shit takes YEARS for your face to get rid of the swelling) and THEN pile on being a million miles away from my best friends and family, stuck in a city with some of the worst lockdowns (London) and yeah…it'll cause my body to be in a state of unsafely that the only way to get out of is end the pandemic.
I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know that if you gained weight during the lockdown and it still won’t budge, or the acne that came on during 2020 still is lingering or your digestive issues won’t fuck off no matter how much you try …. You’re not broken.
You CAN fix it.
It’s just that the day to day stress PLUS that long period stress of c o v I d *and* you not FULLY recovering from it ... is a recipe for staying “stuck.”
Look, I was mentally fine in London. I cried a lot but my work kept me focused and going. I was fine and really did have fun living there. I made the most of it.
But It wasn’t until I got back to NYC that I realized just how much my body was pushing through for me.
I was okay, but my body wasn’t.
Then even living in NYC…I kind of hit a point after a bit where I still couldn’t get rid of that last layer of stress. I was the happiest I’d ever been but the stress of the city wasn’t giving my body the break that it needed after c o v I d.
It wasn’t until I moved to nature where I wake up to the sounds of birds, put my feet in the grass daily and have trees all around my house that my nervous system could COMPLETELY relax.
I have the body that I had prior to my ski accident again (so my body is 100% fight-and-flight free), my face isn’t puffy anymore and the breakouts that I randomly got during c o v I d are a thing of the past.
Even thought the pandemic is gone, I want you to know that your body may still be struggling and THAT’S OKAY. Just allow yourself to get the healing that you deserve.
AND…I didn’t do any ‘new’ healing in the last year or anything. I did my healing journey in 2018 and since then it’s been about consistency, commitment to myself and commitment to new layers of healing (as I expand and see new fears/blocks) release as needed.
If you’re doing my healing method, yes I can happen very quickly…but just you wait to see the impact 3 years later is has on you ;).
Somatic release is instant (because that’s somatic work) BUT the 3+ year integration glow is another level.
If you resonate with this and know that your body needs to reduce stress, I want you to think about Masculine Strucutre.
Masculine structure is very much a core foundational part of my new program, HER andI really want to help you to understand how powerful it can be.
IF you are struggling with overwhelm with stress, feeling like you are being pulled in 352 different directions at one time and you're in your like hyper's very likely that you actually don't have enough masculine structure.
So people they go into hypermasculinity as a protective mechanism, but hypermasculinity is different to a healthy amount of masculine structure.
By having a healthy amount of masculine structure, it actually supports you. It supports you in having like a sense of safety with being in your feminine.
So that's why with HER, the modalities are based in masculine structure. They will be helping you with commitment and self sabotage, making new habits, etc.,
I'm going to give you somatic modalities that are going to help lock in new habits and a whole new level of commitment to yourself.
HER closes for enrollment until sometime in 2024 on March 31. Please note that the next round of HER may not be live, or have Q+A. So if you feel called to join this program, trust yourself and leap.
Join HER: