Feminine as F*ck
348: Energetic Reasons for Infertility and Other Period Issues (Painful Periods, PMS, Endometriosis Etc)
These issues might be common, but they're not normal. And YES, they CAN be fixed.***
They don't call her the "period whisperer" for no reason 😉🩸 Monica has been working with women on healing their period since 2018. Some of her favorite clients are the ones that have "tried everything" and then when they come to her, she “waves her magic wand” and BOOM, their period is back (but really, the magic wand is the co-creation of their healing).
Full stop: Monica wants you to know if you’re dealing with period issues like struggling to fall pregnant, PMS, painful periods, endo, etc. — these things aren’t normal. And it’s not okay. She wants you to know that you are not helpless and doomed for eternity — you CAN heal, and you CAN fix these issues at the… root for good.
In this episode, Monica is covering:
🩸 Why you need to have a holistic approach to your period issues for actual results
🩸 The energetic meaning behind/the root of endometriosis and other period issues
🩸 Why this is not a one size fits all and why context in healing hormones matters
🩸 Why “feeling fine” doesn’t always mean we’re actually fine
🩸 The guidance that the pain in your period provides
🩸 Why the sooner you start this work the better
🩸 The energetic things to focus on when trying to fall pregnant
🩸 Creating our own narrative around what it means to become a mother
🩸 How to use social media as an expander vs a way to feel validated
🩸 Why sometimes we need more masculine pieces in place to heal our feminine
🩸 Situations where Monica thinks modern medicine can be really helpful
🩸 Why most generic doctors are not going to know how to heal you at the root
🩸 BONUS: How to trust your desires
As Mentioned In The Episode —
⇢ Podcast Directory: https://monicayateshealth.com/blogs/feminine-as-f-ck-podcast/podcast-directory (use CTL + F on the website page to search the keywords “endo” and “PCOS” for previous episodes on this topic)
⇢ Queen Alchemy Round 13: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/queen-alchemy
⇢ HER: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/her
⇢ Your Perfect Period: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/your-perfect-period-program
⇢ 2024 Mantras Freebie: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/freebies/ (it’s #5 on the list)
⇢ Free Vision Board Template: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/freebies/ (it’s #2 on the list)
⇢ Monica’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@monicayateshealth/
⇢ Monica’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicayateshealth
⇢ Join Monica’s Email List: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/632a2bfbbf9a194f540c4ab0
⇢ Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024): https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63bc867d329680c1aa644edf
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***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. || https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/copyright-disclaimer