Feminine as F*ck

110: Why my business isn't my #1 priority. #SCANDAL! | Business burnout, is your business wrecking your hormones, sex and business

In today's podcast, Monica is sharing with you why her business isn't her #1. Not something that you hear coming out of many CEO's mouths, but there is no way Monica could be in her feminine and be only thinking business all the time.

She talks about:

🌹Why, as a feminine being your business shouldn't always be #1

🌹The difference between men and women in business

🌹How women need pleasure first

🌹What you can be doing to implement this

🌹Staying in your feminine during business

🌹How hormonal imbalance can be because of business

🌹Being in alignment to create a business from flow and ease

Don't forget the ONLY intake for the rest of the year for BABA is open NOW! You get access for LIFE to all the amazing content in the portal to 2020-James-Bond-Bulletproof your business

Some goodies for you:

BABA 2.0: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/bad-ass-btches-academy/

Queen Alchemy 2.0 waitlist: http://eepurl.com/g1Dp9f

MMM Level 1: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/magic-money-manifestation/

MMM Level 2: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/magic-money-manifestation-level-2/

Favourite products: https://monicayates.com.au/favourite-products/

BBFit Code: Use MONICAYATES for 50% off your first month (Monica does Bailey’s workouts everyday!)

Feminine AF Beginner Bundle: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/feminine-as-fck-beginner-bundle/

Freebies for you: https://monicayates.com.au/freebies/

Follow Monica on IG: @monicayateshealth