
7 Ways to Romanticize Your Life Exactly as It Is Now

7 Ways to Romanticize Your Life Exactly as It Is Now
Your dream life isn't just about fancy things, luxe trips, and going on European summer holidays (but also, vibes). It's also about having a sense of peace in your life. A clear mind. A beautiful, slow morning. A nourished soul when your head hits the pillow at night.
So, here are some ways that you can start to bring more 'dream' into your life exactly as it is right now.

1. Work with a view

Move your work spot for the day to a place where you have a better view, whether it's out a window or a beautiful hotel lobby or lighting a candle at your kitchen table as the rain falls. 

2. Put jazz music on when you cook 

Taking time to cook for and nourish yourself is an act of self-respect. Plus, I'm very big on putting love into food. I swear this is what makes Italian food that much better. So, put some jazz music on, a cute apron, and pour your heart into your dinners.

3. Have a daily wellness routine

Stop giving yourself an option. Move your body daily. Have a delicious skincare routine and make yourself feel beautiful. You're worth it!!

4. Romanticize your morning cup of tea (or coffee)

Don't gulp the tea down as you're running around like a headless chicken. Instead, sit and simply BE as you really savour the warmth and taste of your morning tea or coffee. Practice RECEIVING that moment.

5. Read a book and relax

Take 10-20 mins of your day to read an actual book. You don't need to spend an hour relaxing a day (we're busy, I get it), but the nourishment that comes from just 15 minutes of relaxation is orgasmic. Don't overcomplicate it.

6. Watch a movie in a cozy space

Set up a whole vibe. Light a candle, pull up a blanket (or your whole doona off your bed), put your water in a wine glass, and make this movie time feel more special and intentional.

7. Make your own at-home spa

Buy a robe from one of your favourite hotels so that every time you put that robe on at home, you feel like you're 10x more relaxed than a cheap robe from Target. Decant your soap into a nicer bottle, dim the lights, slow down your skincare and bath routine, and put some spa music on.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in “doing” manifestation techniques that we forget the power and potent energy of bringing gratitude and pleasure into the smallest moments of our daily lives.

One day, you are going to miss the life that you currently have. Can you practice weaving in some more romanticism into some of the things that you spend your time on and start to see the change in your energy and, therefore, the ease in manifesting the next level of your life?

P.S. If you’re newer to my work, I talk a lot about how healing is a foundational component of creating the life of your dreams. If you have no idea why, it would be worth reading this post I did on Instagram. Then consider joining Empoweredly Submissive for just $149 to jump-start your healing and uplevel your feminine embodiment.

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