The Worthiness Cycle: What to Know

If you find yourself always saying, “I don’t have time,” “I don't have the money,” or the classic “I’ll do it later,”… you need to stop what you’re doing and read this blog post because I’m about to blow your god damn mind.
Most people are in the all-too-common situation where they wait until they hit rock bottom to then actually do the thing they’ve been wanting to do for ages. They wait for the threat of a divorce to work on themselves; they wait until they're burnt out to create more ease in their business; they wait until they can’t fall pregnant to address their health.
Why is that?
We as humans are wired to make the easiest choice, and we have to remember that whatever is in our comfort zone is classified as “safe and easy" — anything outside of our comfort zone is literally sounding the alarm bells in your brain. Your amygdala literally sends out a signal of "danger, danger, Will Robinson,” which causes you to, most of the time, make up some logical excuse as to why you cannot do the thing that you really want to do in this present moment.
So you find yourself reading the sales page on my website repeatedly, binging my podcast, and sucking it dry to get every last hint of help so you don't have to do the scary thing: invest your resources (money, time, energy).
Then we continue to delay what we want until it logically makes sense. And often, it logically makes sense when you’re at rock bottom, and you don't really have a choice. You HAVE to heal your sh*t in order to save your relationship, fall pregnant, or keep your business afloat.
The choice becomes “easy” because there isn’t really a choice anymore. Now, you have to do it to survive. So your amygdala is no longer sounding the alarm bells.
Knowing this (and hopefully being a bit called out 😉), what are some things that you could start doing to be proactive in taking these steps before you get to the point of a divorce or your whole world crumbles? Men, this goes for you too. Ask yourself this:
“Why am I thinking it’s better to wait?”
When we VALUE ourselves, our relationships, health, business, and frankly, our LIFE, we will prioritize this world.
But the cycle of unworthiness can keep you very stuck. When it comes to wanting more in your life or giving yourself permission to change something or heal, you have to feel worthy. It’s all very well to say, “I want XYZ,” but do you actually feel worthy of these things? When it comes into your life, will you feel like you deserve it? Are you going to feel like you can hold it? Or are you going to actually repel it because you don’t feel like you are deserving or worthy of it?
I work with a huge variety of people on different things, but so much of the root of issues in health, business, love, safety, manifestation, money, etc., is around worthiness and confidence in deserving what you want. And the cycle is a vicious one because behind the excuse of “I don't have the money” or “I don't have the time” is actually, “I don’t value myself enough right now to put this as a priority and make it work.” So your lack of self-worth is something that you want to work on, but it's also the very thing behind all of your excuses (burn, I know).
So, if this blog post triggered you (in a good way, as your triggers are doorways to growth), how about instead of just closing the window and not doing anything about it, you trust that you read this article for a reason? This is your CALL OUT to stop saying in the same pattern and then complaining about it.
If you want to improve your self-worth and your life, then you need to put your money behind your journey and get that skin in the game.
When you invest in yourself, there is a completely different energy that you show up in than when you just listen to things that are free. You now have this skin in the game to make you go ALL IN, to not hold back, to do the homework, and to GET RESULTS.
Free shit is great, but paid work is where the real glow-up is. So, that program or offer of mine that you’ve been thinking about… It’s time to do it 😉