Feminine as F*ck

248: Why being "Mr Nice Guy" isn't making you feel like THE man

Today we are going to talk about ‘nice guy syndrome’ for men, this will be helpful for you to notice these behaviours and stop doing it. For the ladies, it’s going to be helpful to validate some of your experiences and feelings towards guys that are really, really nice.

In this episode I riff on:

🌹 The difference between a guy who is nice and a nice guy who is a door mat

🌹 Boundaries are sexy

🌹 If you cannot lead and make decisions for yourself you will not be able to lead a woman

🌹 This influx in ‘nice guys’ has come after an influx in emasculation, berating, shaming and putting down of men

🌹 How being ‘Mr Nice Guy’ can lead to resentment from you and your partner

🌹 Is she really toxic or are you letting yourself be manipulated because you can’t draw a boundary?

🌹 Men want respect and women want attention and connection

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⇢ UNEDITED magazine: https://monicayates.com.au/unedited-magazine/

⇢ Read the blog: https://monicayates.com.au/248-why-being-mr-nice-guy-isnt-making-you-feel-like-the-man/

⇢ Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RC5Vnrf3cqY