Feminine as F*ck

218: Why you're making dating hard for yourself

Today I am talking about how dating can be draining but doesn’t need to be. I did a really good job, (before my current situation) of going into dating with different mindsets, dating different kinds of men and showing up differently to figure out how to date in a way where I stayed in a feeling of calm, wasn’t attached, felt secure, peaceful and didn’t obsess over my phone. If this resonates with you then I highly recommend you listen to this episode where I dive into:

· Attachment and sex

· Why engaging in half arse sh*t is holding you back from the relationship you actually desire

· How understanding men's biology changes the dating game

· How the pandemic has impacted dating

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⇢ Sign up for the dating masterclass: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/the-embodiment-of-dating/

⇢ Listen to my episode about dating and relationships during lockdown https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/143-dating-relationships-during-lockdown-how-your-biology/id1449633522?i=1000508400861

⇢ Listen to my episode about attachment styles https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/154-attachment-styles-101-why-are-you-avoidant-or-anxious/id1449633522?i=1000517728980

⇢ Follow the FAF instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feminineasfuck_/

⇢ Read the blog: https://monicayates.com.au/218-dating-can-be-draining-but-doesnt-need-to-be/

⇢ BTS Bubble: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/monicas-bts-bubble/

⇢ UNEDITED magazine: https://monicayates.com.au/unedited-magazine/

⇢ Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PkVGwW1B4aU