Feminine as F*ck

141: What is trauma and how does it manifest in our bodies?

In this educational podcast I go over:

🧬 The different types of trauma and the trauma scale
🧬 The different responses your body can go into
🧬 What actually is trauma?
🧬 HOW does it prevent us from living our best life
🧬 The way it can manifest
🧬 The ways in which people can suppress their trauma so well that they don’t think they have anything wrong
🧬 Why trauma doesn’t need to be PTSD or from a war.

to watch as a youtube: https://youtu.be/eAjuk5jSrYg

My new program; Be a Lover, Not a Mother is open now! https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/be-a-lover-not-a-mother/

Your Perfect Period: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/your-perfect-period-program/

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Queen Alchemy: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/queen-alchemy/

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Guide to working out as a woman: http://monicayates.com.au/shop/

Feminine AF Beginner Bundle: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/feminine-as-fck-beginner-bundle/

MMM Level 1: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/magic-money-manifestation/

MMM Level 2: https://monicayates.com.au/monica_work/magic-money-manifestation-level-2/

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