
3 tips for maximizing your time as a Feminine CEO

3 tips for maximizing your time as a Feminine CEO
  1. Know what works. So many of us think they must be doing the latest 'trendy' thing but fail to ask, "what works for me." If something isn't sustainable, it isn't worth it. Also, allow yourself to change and adapt what works for you. I know for me, as I know that motherhood is on the cards in a few years, I will need to be able to not be on IG as much. So I'm tuning into what other platforms that my audience still gets just as much from (if not more -- hello, long blog posts PACKED with content, emails straight to your inbox, and podcasts). Don't just do something because others are; it might create quick growth. Sustainability is sexy

  2. Set yourself up for success. Think about what is going to allow you to have a successful month/day/week/year. Is it packing food for the flight so you're not hangry and crying when the flight is delayed and your in your luteal phase about to die of hunger? Is it planning your content ahead of time? Is it making dinner whilst you make breakfast?

  3. Put happiness first. What things make you happy? We often think we need to put work first but if you're low on creative energy, then your effort won't even have a high ROI. Instead, the things that boost your happiness will actually boost your creative energy causing your work to be BETTER


If you're not already in HER, what are you waiting for?! I've made this program with YOU in mind. Feeling time poor? This program is punchy and straight to the point. No fluffy business and I've put in double the content in half the time. 

The excuse of "I don't have time" is the exact reason why you need to do this program. 


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