The Feminine Female Breadwinner
A 12-part course supporting you in knowing how to have your man lead you while being the female breadwinner.
YES I NEED THIS!TAKE ME TO THE BUNDLEwatch the videodoes this relate…
- You are a woman who is making great amounts of money and worried that your dating pool is so much smaller because you have to date a man that makes more than you
- You feel sometimes shame for making so much money because you just want a man, or your man, to be more in his masculine and not feel deflated
- You are a man that is trying to navigate the waters of being with a woman that is making more money than you, and you’re finding it to be a bit ‘sticky’
- You wonder if you automatically are ‘too much’ for men because of your success
- You want your man to lead you more in your relationship and not put the ‘provider’ hat onto you
- You want to continue to make money, but never feel like the weight of ‘providing’ for the family is on you
- You are struggling to navigate the murky waters of making him ‘feel like a man’ whilst you are the one making most of the money
- You, as a man are feeling threatened sometimes by her success
- You as a man, do not feel ‘enough’ for her because you are not making as much money
- You want to LEARN how to have success with this dynamic because you love the man/woman that you are with!
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are in the right place

To manifest the life of your dreams
a person who earns money to support a family. Usually, a man.


It can often feel like you want two different things...
To make money as a woman, AND have a masculine man who can lead and still provide/protect.
And society teaches us that you cannot have both.
Women have unfortunately been emasculating men and making them feel like they do not have a place anymore in society as “women can do it all. Yet it’s resulting in women having fabulous amounts of success, not deep levels of happiness. They are coming across men who are intimidated or emasculated by their levels of success.
This story can lead to anger, shame, and helplessness as our core desire for connection is still there, yet women often feel like there’s no hope anymore and that they cannot have success *and* a sexy relationship.
Yet this is NOT the truth, and my relationship is proof.
(And you get FULL access straight away)
here's the thing...
For many men, the combination of not feeling 'needed' by women anymore and feeling unsure how to still 'provide' when their partner is bringing in more money/success or the same amount can lead them to feel unsure of their place in the relationship.
This often leads to passive behavior and thus her going into her masculine.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to help you heal ALL OF THIS so that you can be in a relationship where he is VERY much in his masculine, and you are VERY much in your feminine. REGARDLESS of money.

The Feminine Female Breadwinner
In the 12-part course, you will get 140+ minutes of pure, dripping GOLD.
(Private Podcast option now included for easy, on-the-go listening.)
What to look forward to:
- No longer being stressed out about money in dating/your relationship
- Feeling empowered to have these conversations with your lover
- Knowing exactly how to stay in your feminine instead of slipping into ‘boss mode’
- Knowing how to let your man lead, protect, and provide for you/your family (or if you are a man, you’ll know how to do this)
- Finally, feeling EXCITED about being in a relationship where you are deeply supported in making lots of money whilst being in receivership
- No longer feeling deflated that your man is passive and you have to wear the burden of ‘providing’
I will be teaching you about:
- The energy behind money, feminine energy, and masculine energy
- The exact things that I do to stay in my feminine, even when I’m the one paying
- How to feel cherished and adored on vacation, even when you’re the one paying for *most* things
- If you are a man, you’ll learn how to claim her with your actions and words so that you feel like The Man and she feels claimed by you (and therefore safe)
- The simple yet profound things that my man and I do to keep our polarity hot and heavy
As you may have seen, I bought a multi-million dollar house for my man and me, and as you’re probably well aware from what I share on my podcast and Instagram stories … I’m in a VERY feminine/masculine relationship. I never feel like I’m in my masculine with him, and he ensures that he is always doing what he needs to to be in his masculine.
We’ve navigated these murky waters of how to have a relationship where he is masculine/dominant, and I am still the feminine/submissive one.
We’ve done all the hard work so that you do not have to.
Our open communication and deep curiosity have allowed me to combine a collection of tools, tips, and communication hacks so that you do not have to have fights, resentment, and shame build up for something so fantastic – money!

How do you make money yet have a man who still leads you, and you always feel like you are being protected and provided for by him?
I get that you want your man to be in his masculine, and you want to feel in your feminine. Yet how does this work if you are ‘the provider?’. Well, it does because these energy dynamics are not just about money.
This course will show you.
Whether you’re in a relationship navigating this, OR you are dating and coming up against this ‘block’ often, this 12-part course will guide you to being the FEMININE Female breadwinner.
If you are feeling pulled towards this course, trust it. You know my work. You know I’m not just giving you tips you could Google. I’m giving you THE things that have helped me in my relationship when we are having hard conversations about it and to NEVER have resentment, shame, or guilt around money (for him or me).
If you find yourself...
- Worrying that you’ll make a man feel ‘less than’ because you earn more
- Not being able to find a ‘good enough’ man because of how successful you are
- Being concerned that your man is/will get insecure about your success
- In a relationship where you feel like you’re the masculine because you make the money
- Not wanting to automatically be ‘the masculine’ because you make the money
- Wanting to feel ‘provided for’ even if you make more money
- Subconsciously blocking yourself from making more money because you don’t want to emasculate him (or your future man)
- Playing down your success to protect him from feeling XYZ
- Not knowing how to feel like you are providing when you are making less
- Give her the quality of life that she is used to without going broke
- Still be the man of the house when she’s the one paying the rent/mortgage
- Feeling ‘enough’ for this sort of woman
- Wanting to also become more successful but not feel like it’s a competition
- Feeling jealous of her bank account
- Wondering how to still look ‘manly’ when your friends know she makes more
- Feeling insecure about your own contribution to the relationship
Then you need to join this course and watch the modules again on repeat
What will you achieve?
Module 1
The energy behind money, feminine energy, and masculine energy 😉
The exact things that I do to stay in my feminine, even when I’m the one paying
If you are a man, you’ll learn how to claim her with your actions and words so that you feel like The Man and she feels claimed by you (and therefore safe)
Knowing when to actually draw a boundary with money and go into your ‘boss’ mode and when to not
How to stay in your feminine and let him lead day-to-day
Having boundaries around your finances at the start of dating and into your relationship in a way that feels good to you
How to let him feel like he is the provider and protector even if you are the one bringing in most of the money
How to feel cherished and adored on vacation, even when you’re the one paying for *most* things
Communication tips that we use on a daily basis
If you are a man, you’ll gain the knowledge of how to be in your masculine and not let her emasculate you
How we split out finances up (so far) in a way that feels good for both of us and tips on how you can do the same
Questions (Dating, How To Set Up The Conversation About Finances, Resentment, Etc.)