Be a Lover, Not a Mother
A Guide to Meeting His Masculinity in a Way That Brings You to Your Knees and Leaves You Saying “MORE PLEASE."
It’s time to feel turned on and swept off your feet with men, not on edge and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Answer this for me…
- Do you feel like you always say, "Where are all the good men?"
- Do you get angry and bitter towards your partner when he doesn't do something you've asked him to do, and in your head, you say, "But I'm not surprised?"
- Do you watch those Instagram reels where wives are begging their husbands, and you're like, OMG, PREACH! And as a result, a little part of you wonders if you want to get married or if it's really that great.
- Do you think (and be real with me) that "men are dicks” and as a result, you find it hard to attract amazing men?
- Are you exhausted from having to organize everything and initiate contact?
- Do you have to plan the dates because if you don't, no one will?
- Are you DONE with being mis-independent and ready to soften into your feminine?
Are you craving…
- For a man to whisk you away and let you fully surrender so you know that everything is looked after and you don’t have to lift a fucking finger?
- To not feel so bitter and angry towards men (it’s SUCH an energy leak)?
- To learn how to let go of social conditioning that all men are dirtbags or just want ‘one thing’?
- To be an ally for men as opposed to making them feel wrong all the time?
- To have a relationship (or improve your current one) where you are able to dance between the feminine and masculine and let things flow?
- For your man (or future man) to run a bath without you having to ask and to take the lead physically, energetically, and mentally?
- To attract a man who is in control so you feel safe to be fully in your feminine?

To manifest the life of your dreams
It's time to flirt with the magnetic dance of the masculine and feminine, and experience the exquisite pleasures of polarity.

It's exhausting wanting him to lead and feeling like he's just not getting it.
And I know you’re CRAVING his leadership physically, mentally, and emotionally. You want a “I’ll take care of it” and “be there at 8” kind of relationship that makes you feel cherished.
The problem is that we’ve been conditioned to shame men. We’re told that their strength is a weapon and their leadership is a chain. We’re taught that putting them down and stripping away their power is the only way to get what we want (hello feminism!)
All the good men aren’t gone…
They’ve just been pushed in a corner and told that they’re not needed.
And now, we’re left feeling empty, helpless, and desperately in need of that sexy leadership we thought was dangerous.
The key to creating the fiery, rip-your-clothes love you’re dripping for is to soften your heart, restore your trust in the masculine, and let him out of the corner.
He wants to support you, hold you, and love you.
So how about you let him?
"Where are all the good men?!"
(SPOILER ALERT: They are right in front of you.)
They’ve just been emasculated to the point where they’re done trying to take the lead.
They tried and were met by women who don’t trust them, can’t receive them, and are threatened by their masculinity (ouch!)
MEN WANT TO LEAD, and we need to RE-LEARN how to let them.
It's your responsibility to learn how to receive from men, communicate with them, and empower them to rise again. It's a combo of learning to receive (and stop being a control freak) and supporting them through your words and actions so that they can fully embody their masculine energy.
I NEED THIS!I NEED THIS!I created Be a Lover, Not a Mother for the woman who wants to inspire men to step into their fullness as their muse, not their mother.
Relationships are complex these days. There’s blurred lines and unspoken rules of what is and isn’t okay. Men are struggling. They are afraid of crossing the line, and with every woman being so different, they never know what they are walking into.
Whether you are single, dating, in a long-term relationship, or just wanting to learn how to receive from men day-to-day, this program is for you.
We will be diving into…
How do you get your man to rise into his healed masculine so that you can just relax in his arms at the end of a long day?
How do you stop thinking that every time a man does something nice for you, he’s trying to get into his pants?
How do you stop feeling so fucking exhausted all the time?
The answer — letting men do things for you and supporting them in their desire to lead and our desire to receive.

Be A Lover Not A Mother is for you if....
- You ask your boyfriend to plan dates and his response is “I don’t know, whatever you want babe.”
- Your husband gives you one word answers when you ask him how his day was (because he doesn’t feel safe to open up anymore.)
- You’re exhausted from carrying the mental load and wondering when he’ll step up to help you.
- You find yourself constantly nagging about the littlest things he does, even if they’re not intentional.
- You find it easier to complain about your partner rather than celebrate him.
- You take it personally when leaves the toilet seat up or forgets to take out the trash.
- Your dates never hold the door, pull out your chair, or enthusiastically open their wallets.
By being in this program, you are part of a movement where we no longer engage in the manhunt and instead let the divine masculine rise again.
The truth is, most women are emasculating the men in their lives every single day wihtout realizing it.
If you want to break the cycle, then you need to join this program. It's the key to creating intoxicating love and strong bonds with the men in your life - whether they're friends, coworkers, brothers, or lovers.
Learning how to stop emasculating men will not only let your man rise, but it will also allow your feminine to flourish.

Gentlemen… think of this 7-week journey as the men’s version of Queen Alchemy.
Imagine what it would be like to say thanks to a man for holding open the door and feeling looked after in that moment (and not creating a story in your head about ‘oh, he just wants to get into my pants’).
Imagine feeling good about going to a man when you need help instead of trying to do everything yourself.
Imagine walking in the door after a long day and seeing that your man has cooked you dinner and tidied the house (and don’t think, “Oh, that would never happen”).
Imagine being a rock for your man when he’s having a rough day and knowing he’s not internalizing his mental health struggles.
Imagine just being able to say ‘thanks’ and receiving a beautiful date night when he pays the bill.
5 reprogramming tracks to train your mind and body to be THE MAN.
Once you start support men in feeling empowered and open to being themselves, everything changes. The flow-on effect of this shift is fucking amazing. You will be able to support your son (or future son) in being an amazing man, heal generational wounds around the masculine, and create an unshakeable bond with your partner.
This is a movement.
Let’s release our anger towards men and instead start loving them.
Let’s see the goodness in their hearts and return the favor.
Let’s realize that the masculine is truly the most nourishing energy to the feminine.

Over 8 hours of content
A Telegram group to share your wins, questions, etc
Access to any new modules that are added to the BLNM program.
Content Included
Module 1
Connecting with your womb and being grounded in your feminine heart
Understanding Feminine and Masculine
What is emasculation?
The sneaky way in which we emasculate
The female version of emasculation
Why we do it and how it has been ingrained into us
Module 2
Recognizing ways in which you emasculate men.
The attractiveness of the feminine, for the masculine, and embracing this!
How to stop emasculating
Getting into receivership
Opening your heart
Module 3
How to swap emasculating comments into empowering ones
What men want you to know
Is there ever a time when emasculation is appropriate?
Trusting him when he needs to go into his man cave
Module 4
How to communicate with your lover when you want something
How to communicate with your man (or man friend) when they are not stepping up and you need/want them to
How to play with polarity and get comfortable surrendering to his leadership
Being a lover and not a mother
Module 5
A juicy chat with 4 incredible men - a true insight into men’s brains, their outlook, opinions and feelings
Amazing Q&A with a male’s perspective
Module 6
The differences between men and women
How we date and communicate
Our primal and soul needs
A juicy Q+A
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